☞ 6/28(Sat.) Day6
Making Miniature of Hanbok/// Hanbok is Korea traditional clothing.
很可愛吧 ^___^*
Saturday is the day that school arrange activities for us.
So today, we are going to try on Hanbok!!!
Before that, we first made a mini Hanbok for ourselves
It is really cute, right?
▲One of funny staffs in CNU ISS, Seonhu oppa
Try on real Hanbok/// Hanbok is Korea traditional clothing.
因為等等要來舉辦婚禮 哈哈
Hanbok Teachers were introducing different kinds of Hanbok and explaining how to hold a Wedding ceremony.
▲Beautiful bride and Handsome groom
直到新娘唱歌才能免除被打的命運 哈哈
In Korea traditional wedding ceremony,
Groom must be hit, it symbolizes man's courage.
And bride should sings a song to save him from hitting, haha
Downtown 충장로/// It's shopping time!!!!!
原本以為會是鄉下地方欸 可是沒想到這裡根本很好逛 應有盡有啊
體驗韓服的時間很短 且離市區很近 於是下午我們一群人就前往市區shopping啦
Before I went to Gwangju, I don't know here a lot,
I thought maybe here is boring, but I am wrong!!!!!
Here is really urbanization~~~And I also like to go shopping here
After we tried on Hanbok, we went to downtown~~
Sion took us to this restaurant~
"Mul Naengmyon" and "Big Dumpling" are famous here.
▲Took bus 7 to come back school.
Backgate "W&B market Waffle"/// U must try once!!!
因為晚上有營隊的朋友生日要去loumge bar慶生
Tonight we will celebrate frds bithday in lounge bar,
so my roommate Kay and I had had a waffle for dinner at backgate.
我們決定之後如果沒錢花用就要來吃這個鬆餅果腹 哈哈哈哈哈
It's really delicious~ it is fat thought.....
Cream is cold and taste like ice cream.
We think this make us being full easily, so if we don't have money, we will take this as meal everytime haha.
Get some lounge bar/// Music is boring!!!!But we play a game and it was funny!!!
晚上就在staffs和buddies的帶領之下來到位在學校後門的lounge bar(學校附近應有盡有吧~)
這是我第一次去lounge bar(不管韓國台灣都是) [我又再度遵循這次的生活法則:什麼都要試試看!!!]
我還真的不知道,因為今晚沒什麼其他的韓國客人,所以無解 哈
這次的經驗是:DJ不知道是不是在睡覺,音樂有夠難聽!!! 整個不嗨
酒的話,我也只喝甜甜的像果汁的酒 哈哈ㄏ所以不能問我這是好還是不好喝~
這倒是玩的非常開心 好像是玩類似國王皇后的遊戲吧 我忘記名字了 是香港朋友提議的
大家抽POKER CARDS,抽到數字最小張的人要做指定的動作,例如親異性臉頰等等
最後根本就是要搶著輸嘛大家,然後去親OPPA!!! 天哪各位!!!!!!
哈哈哈然後西方朋友們連難聽的歌都可以狂舞 真的很佩服 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈
Anyway, alomost all of students were taken to a lounge bar by our staffs and buddies.
This is my first time to visit lounge bar, (I never try it!)
(I really follow the rule of this trip by myself: Try everything I can try here!!!Haha)
I don't know what the bar's atmosphere should be
Maybe music should be good to enjoy and wine good to drink? And everyone here chating together? Or dancing?
Actually, I really do not know at all.
This experience is: DJ maybe fall asleep!!!Because music is tooo boring!LOL
Wine, I just ordered light one, it just like juice, so u shouldn't ask me if drinks is good or not, haha
Whatever, we played a game, but I forgot the name,
Everyone chose a poker card, and the smallest one should do somthing we appointed.
For example, kiss some one else, some kinds of that.
Hahaha and all of us enjoyed it! And I think a lot of girls wanted to be a loser, haha, cuz we can kiss OPPA!Oh my gosh!!!
BTW, Western frds even danceing so happily in a bad music. That's really impresive!!!
✎To be continued......