▲He is so cute, right? the corgi looks so stupid hahahaha >///<
☞ 7/1(Tue.) Day9
今天日記的照片量暴增 我覺得我繼續中英文雙聲道一定會爆字
所以決定有的就整段英文,有的整段中文 希望大家能諒解 ~~~哈哈
I took too many pics today, so I won't use bilingual(English an Chinese), haha
but I hope all of u can understand what I want to say ><
Lunch time/// Nothing special because there were too many people having lunch together.
Pet Cafe/// This is my first time to go to a pet cafe!!!
不論是台灣或是韓國都是我的第一次! 竟然還是在光州!
She is the owner of this cafe, fostering all of them. And we can also feed dogs here.
U just need to put your hands up(hahahah) and they will come to you, so adorable!
I took pics here to show you the cafe's environment.
Try to let him look at camera, but it is too dificult haha ><
He is Adam who likes dogs very much
even though he didn't know the location of the cafe, he still invited us to come with him,
hahahahaha too funny, right?
Anyway, we still found here by Buddies' friends~~~Thank you~~
玩了一下午,我也跟他一樣超想睡覺 ZZZ
可是我晚點還要去看電影欸!!!!! ><
See a movie/// Edge of Tomorrow
After playing and drinking some baverage in Pet Cafe, I went to see a movie with other friends,
but actually, I felt so tired hahaha><
My buddy, Sion bought tickets by that machine↓↓↓
We saw Edge of Tomorrow.
我們坐很前面加上我真的好累 所以電影剛開始還睡著 別問我好不好看啊 哈哈哈哈哈
總之是個很有趣的經驗! 媽~我一定會好好學英文啦!
Delicious Dinner/// 닭갈비!!!!!My favorite
Really hungry!!!!!!!!!!!! So we went to have dinner as soon as possible.
If you have a chance to visit Gwangju or Korea, I really recommend you to try this kind of meal :)
Oh, and this restaurant is located at back gate, and the price is pretty, 7000won per person~~~
OMG, look at that cheese~~~I was melted~~~~
Not only chicken but also rice cake~~~ and some onion, I loooove it!!!!!!
After eating chicken then u can order some rice, and they will become fried rice. It was delicious, too.
And I spent too much money at that time!!!! >0<
I can't go shopping then, hahaha
總之,這一切真是讓我太想念了啦 我每天都想回到光州 :(
✎To be continued......